Training Programmes

A passion for Deaf Education

Training Programmes

DeafNET facilitates training workshops in Africa in partnership with the National Associations of the Deaf and other network partners.

HIV/AIDS Programme

​DeafNET HIV awareness-raising campaign is to share information concerning HIV /AIDS infection, prevention, and care.

The HIV Cube toolkit, shows facts about HIV/AIDS, how to prevent the contraction and spread of HIV/AIDS by using pictures and Sign Language to spread the message. The toolkit ensures that the deaf populations receive at the same time visuals and language content that carry the same message clearly and accurately in a Deaf friendly manner. 

Participants are guided step by step and pictures from each panel are explained thoroughly. 

DeafNET has reached out to more than 25 countries by distributing HIV cubes, pamphlets, DVDs and conducting a day workshop.

The need to develop a second updated HIV/AIDS toolkit for the Deaf community is currently under investigation where the newly updated toolkit will bring new momentum and impact to the program. 

Leadership & Management Training

​DeafNET’s Social Competence in Leadership also called “equip to serve and lead” is designed to develop potential Deaf leaders through guidance, training, and inspiration.

DeafNET regards Deaf leadership initiatives as an important part of improving the lives of the Deaf people in Africa.

What makes the Equip to Serve and Lead program unique, is that the training covers the following topics: Leadership skills; Social Competency in Leadership, Problem-solving skills, Personal well-being: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management, communication skills; Team dynamics, Management fundamentals, Project Management and Budgeting.

Social Competency Programme

The Social Competence Programme is based on the social competency model that aims to reinforce competent behaviour and reduce incompetent behaviour, acquire skills in order to gain and maintain balance between skills (social and personal) and tasks (developmental and communal), build a personal support network to cope with life events, social and disability-related stress, maintain a sense of well-being, and strengthen resilience.

Red Star Training Programme

Since 2011, DeafNET in partnership with De la Bat School has successfully presented the Red Star Programme (RSP) to 34 educators from 10 African countries.

The Red Star program (RSP) is a training method that was developed to bridge the gap between Sign Language and reading-writing competence in learners living with Deafness or hearing loss. The method has proven to be particularly useful in raising the reading and writing levels of proficiency of Deaf learners and improving their ability to express their emotions and thoughts, improving their communication skills. Also, it equips Deaf learners with literacy, communication, and numeracy abilities on levels earlier very difficult to achieve It is also the only program of its kind, currently available in South Africa, and is innovative and ground-breaking in African Deaf Schools. Moreover, the program is having a positive impact on the lives of many Deaf learners.

The first training is being conducted over 4 weeks, at De la Bat School in South Africa.

Follow-up training

After a year, a follow-up training is scheduled by the De la Bat facilitators to visit the Deaf School of the trained educators. The educators get the opportunity to share the experience on the impact of the model. The follow-up training also reinforces the skills acquired and helps the educators to transfer these skills to the deaf learners in their respective classes.

Sign Language Training Programme

Since 2018, DeafNET in partnership with the Department of Social Development Western Cape has presented Basic South African Sign Language (SASL) to youth from different areas in the Western Cape as part of a Youth empowerment initiative from the Western Cape Department of Social Development.

This initiative calls for improving education outcomes and opportunity for youth between 14 and 35 years of age, with a specific focus on NEET Youth (Not in Education, Employment and or Training), Youth in Transition, Foster Care Youth and Youth in after School Care, in the Western Cape.

The training is an introduction of Basic South African Sign Language (SASL) and was presented in different Youth Cafés and other service delivery areas in the Western Province.

DeafNET has successfully presented Sign Language to more than 480 participants from different Youth Cafés and other organizations, within the Western Cape province.



 In 2015, DeafNET has established a beekeeping project in Jinja, Uganda which has involved the distribution of hives, equipment, and technical training. The project’s primary concern is to reduce poverty among rural Deaf communities and providing ongoing income for Deaf people. The direct beneficiaries were 10 Deaf members who have received training in basic beekeeping techniques such as apiary management, processing, and packing. During 2018, the Deaf beekeepers also received training in the harvesting of honey. The terms of agreement came to an end in September 2018, and the project was handed over to the Uganda Association of the Deaf on 30 September 2018, for further implementation. DeafNET has greatly contributed to the transformation of Deaf people’s lives in Jinga, Uganda, following the recent interventions of the beekeeping initiative.

The initiative is seen as a transboundary project and DeafNET has new plans to replicate the project in Kenya. DeafNET is looking to establish 20 beehives as a platform for training and adoption of beekeeping practices for Deaf people in Kenya. These hives and the training of ten Deaf members of Kakamega Deaf Association will be used as a platform for further training and support of other Deaf members who are interested in beekeeping. 

Pastry Making

DeafNET in partnership with the Aaleemee Society and the Deaf Association of Mauritius, hosted training in pastry making, targeting Deaf people in a way to empower them. This is aimed at turning their lives around by seizing opportunities to take up internships and promoting sustainable development initiatives. The training course was presented by one facilitator from Aaleemee Society, one Deaf person, and one support staff from DeafNET. Over the last 12 weeks, learners have managed to develop a solid foundation of basic pastry-making skills. Further training is scheduled to take place.


Gender Based Violence Programme

DeafNET is launching a new project named Gender-Based Violence. It focuses on the violence in the community but mostly among women and children.

The Toolkit will consist of a facilitator guide, learners guide, and poster. During the one-day Awareness Raising pictures and Sign Language will be used to convey the message. The Team has worked tirelessly to ensure that the content is Deaf friendly and easy to understand. Each section is thoroughly explained through visual stimulation.

DeafNET is planning to reach the entire African continent to educate and inform the Deaf community on Gender-Based Violence.